Public Space


2.90 x 1.80 x 1.50m
Lacquered polyester resin

The project for the Plaza Seca Alem of the Chacofi building, carried out by architects Julieta Figueroa and Gabriel Gatti Beize, commissioned by the administrator Nicolas Rossi, president of Mandataria del Plata, seeks to generate a space that contemplates leisure and outdoor living, in addition to a hierarchization of the vehicular access, which is directly related to Alem Avenue and its characteristic lobby.

It is in this search to generate an iconic space that it was decided to place as the main protagonist of it a piece of art whose flowing lines and volumetric richness contrasted with the rigorous rules of the existing building.

This piece, which is responsible for articulating the space and being the visible face for the welcome from Alem, is the work "En Punto" by the artist Maria Boneo, with whom the professionals had already worked previously for the project of the Hall of the Bouchard Building.

The latter succeeded in the task of generating a space that stands out and enriches thanks to two of her works, called "Diez" and "Veintinueve" (Ten and Twenty-nine).

These allowed for the creation of a counterpoint between the ends of the hall, enriching the circulation and allowing for contemplation breaks away from the dynamic hustle and bustle of an access to an office tower.


2.10 x 1.36 x 1 m
Stainless steel